Ask Listen Do, Ensuring your experience makes a difference to how we deliver our Learning Disability, Neurodevelopmental and Acquired Brain Injury Care Group services.
- We will ask you about your experience of using our services. We want to know what has worked well but also things we need to improve on.
- We will listen to what you tell us so we can understand what care has been like for you.
- We will share the positive things you tell us so we keep doing things right
- We will act on any questions or concerns that you have and let you know what we are doing to make things right
- We will learn from the feedback we receive so we can improve our services.
This Ask Listen Do Leaflet tells you about our Learning Disability, Neurodevelopmental and Acquired Brain Injury Care Group feedback role. If you have any questions you can email Jim. jim.
Trustwide Ask, Listen, Do Reports
Listening to your experience
All of our services now have an email address as an alternative way to contact our services. |
We have developed 2 leaflets about having an initial assessment in our learning disability services. One for people who access our services and one for family, friends and carers. |
We have looked at ways to help you remember who our staff are and how to contact them. We have our service information leaflets and some of our teams also have business cards. |
You told us that sometimes you need another person to speak up for you in appointments and phone calls. We will check this out with you, ask your consent and record this information on your notes. |
A patient information leaflet has been developed in the ADHD service about obtaining medication and the importance of physical health checks. |
Text messaging reminders for ADHD appointments with wording based on feedback from people who have accessed the service. |
Information leaflets for our learning disability inpatient services have been updated with more detailed parking information for visitors. |
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Our answerphone message for our Wirral services has been changed to include learning disability services. |
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You told us how difficult it is having to repeat your story at appointments.
We have reminded our staff to look at the history/notes of people before they attend appointments. |
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We have added information to our Autism initial appointment letters and assessment booklet to reassure people that the appointment online link will be sent out close to the appointment. |
The Wirral Learning Disability Community Team now have a direct phone number so that people can telephone the staff without having to go through a central switchboard. |
The information that people get from the ADHD service when they are moved to the care of a GP, has been updated. People asked for information to be included on timescales to be contacted and also a contact number incase they need help before this happens. |
An ADHD resource information booklet, with signposting to community resources, is being sent out after all ADHD appointments during October, November and December 2024. |
In our Trafford Learning Disability community team, a social care manager will now join the health team meeting every 6 weeks. This is to keep looking at ways to ensure people accessing services are clear on the different roles between health and social care. |
Information on community support organisations has been included in our Family information booklet for our learning disability inpatient services at Eastway and Greenways. |