The Children and Young People (CYP) Wellbeing Hub acts as a key gate keeping service and aims to improve referrals into specialist Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services, where a moderate to severe mental health condition is indicated by a health professional. 

What we offer

  • The CYP Wellbeing Hub telephone advice line will be available for health, social care and education professionals and families/carers, to seek guidance and support regarding children and young people up to the age of 18. This service provides the caller with an opportunity to talk to a mental health professional about specific mental health concerns regarding a child or young person. We offer several types of support including general mental health advice (including providing resources) and signposting to relevant organisations/services.
  • The CYP Wellbeing Hub will on occasion provide brief intervention/therapeutic work to children & young people (involving their family member(s)/carer(s) where able/appropriate) to support them with their mental wellbeing.  
  • The CYP Wellbeing Hub will conduct face-to-face risk assessment and discharge support to Leighton Hospital Inpatient Paediatric Service for children and young people up to the age of 16 whom are admitted on the self-injury pathway and are not open to a mental health service.
  • The CYP Wellbeing Hub can provide face-to-face consultation and training to any health, social and education professionals whom work directly with children & young people and their families/carer(s).